About Me


Lifestyle journalist Anna Estrin plans on raising the topic of abusive relationships.
All Anna Estrin’s projects are united by the theme of fashion, beauty, development and support of women, family relations, and the creation of home comfort. She often writes about the peculiarities of the style of a Jewish woman, about modern headwear and accessories, shares her thoughts on collections from world catwalks. As a person with a sense of style and an experienced designer, she can anticipate current trends several seasons ahead and share with her readers how to look fashionable from head to toe on any budget. Her main skill is the ability to transform mass-market into luxurious looks. In addition to fashion, she writes about creating an atmosphere of home comfort, traditions, holidays, interesting culinary recipes, etc.
Soon, lifestyle journalist Anna Estrin plans to devote a separate section in her blog to the topic of domestic violence. She has experienced similar relationships in the past and wants to share how to avoid abusive relationships, how to end them, and where to find strength and support. Anna believes that more women should bring up this important topic and help those who are suffering so that our daughters and granddaughters know what a healthy relationship looks like and never end up in such a situation.